Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Cultural Traditions

Do you have any special ways you celebrate Thanksgiving? Can you think of any examples of material culture or non-material culture in the ways you celebrate?


  1. This Thanksgiving is going to be all other Thanksgivings at our house , just in a different location, because we are moving. WE are usually the ones to host Thanksgiving but this year it is at my Grandma's house.

    I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!! my older brother ,Hunter, is comming to visit us for Thanksgiving. He always makes the occasion fun.

    Also this year I am the 2nd hostest at Thanksgiving! For Thanksgivng, my family always has turkey (of course!), stuffing, and home made bread! And MUCH more! It is always the best food that I have EVER had! ( for the kids, I'm making cupcakes! ssshhhhh.... don't tell!)

    I hope that you guys have a great Thanksgiving! bye.

  2. *I go to my grandmas house in Michgion. My moms two sisters come and bring bread, stuffing and other stuff too! Every year me or my mom make something. This year I made pumkion pie, suger cookies and red velvit cup cakes and there was no pumkion pie left or cupcakes!We don't do prayers or anything we all know we are thankful for somrthing. But they were thankful me, John, Liam , Hans and mom were ther with them!
    * I go to my step mom jodis grandmas house and we do pray and people can chose if they want to say something to say before we eat.
    The one thing we all ways do is go early and make the turkey together! Its all ways fun to celerbrate things were thankful for!
    I HOPE YOU ARE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  3. i eat and eat and eat and eat and......... BAMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

  4. A material culture That we do in my household is that everyone makes one kind of pie and we see who made the best. Nice turkey disguise!!:)

  5. material for me is my uncle makes stuffing every year and non material is we all come as a family and play apples to apples and then we share what were thankful for and then we all say our goodbyes

  6. In my family a non-material thing we do is everyone gathers around and we watch the football game(boring). A material thing we do is everyone wears fall colors.
