Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Funday- Journal Quick Write 11/18/2011

Best captions/quotes from each hour:
Hour 3- "'Freak the Mighty', animal style" -Madison
Hour 4- "How do I steer this thing?" -Gavin
Hour 6- "Squares, stripes, why not plaid?' -Elliot
Hour 7- "Get off my back!" - Hannah

1 comment:

  1. nathan cresswell hour # 7November 21, 2011 at 12:03 PM

    I liked the movie I thought it was very interesting. This is what it is about it is about a lot of Sudan people(in Africa) having war in their country so they were forced to move to a refugee camp in kenya it was a hard walk from Sudan to Kenya. It was a tiring trip many died of hunger most of the kids or children died, there was around 17000 kids when they started then there was around 9000 kids or children when they finished there trip. Women were the cooks in Sudan it was just part of their culture, but when there was not enough women to take care of one another so some men or young boys were forced to cook for there family or what is left of their family. About 5000 men were chose to go to America they were called the lost boys. The lost boys were spread out in the U.S. to about 24 states. Every ounce or twice the lost boys from all over the U.S. would meet in philadelphia. In New York the lost boys there were doing a march or walk to help Sudan they had t-shirts for other people that were walking with the lost boys they said it reminded them of the walk from Sudan to the refugee camp in Kenya. They had to learn how to use the toilet the fridge what chips are and that they had things called forks because back in Sudan they just ued there hands to just stuff the food in there mouth but here we use forks to stick the fork in the food and you pick it up and then put it in your mouth. The lost boys had to start working they worked 2 to 3 jobs they sent a lot of there $ to Sudan. At the end the lost boys got to go back to Sudan and stay with there family some boys are bringing their family back to America to live with them at the end most of the lost boys were happy some found there family some did not. They got the best of both worlds.:)!$
