Thursday, December 15, 2011

Advertisement Comparisons

Click on the "Untitled Project" links to view a sampling of our class projects.

Respond to one of the questions:

1. Based on the student videos which area in Mexico would you most want to visit and why?

2. Which video do you think is the most persuasive? Why?

3. Compare and contrast our class videos with the "real" advertisements for Mexico called "Mexico Taxi Project" (link below). Which videos do you think are more persuasive? Explain your answer.

1 comment:

  1. I like Mexico is a cool place to be! It is so pretty and a bunc of peope take care of it the only thing Im scard of is all the killings in all the areas! I would go with someone and stay around the hotle or area sight! I would make sure someone is taking care of our stuff or my stuff!
